

Kathleen (she/her) is a breathwork teacher, craniosacral therapist, licensed massage therapist, entrepreneur, perfumer, and founder of Smoke Perfume.

Self-employed since 2009, Kathleen is intimately familiar with the challenges wrought by the cis-heteronormative, patriarchal, capitalist world in which we live. She brings to the table an understanding of how to work with the symptoms of living under this oppressive system such as anxiety, self worth issues (self forgiveness, self hatred, and inner judgment/criticism), and chronic pain (to name just a few!).

While she no longer practices massage therapy, a passion for somatic experiences and anatomy continue to inform her work. Kathleen believes in the power of the breath/body connection. Her sessions are reverent, body-based, individualized, deeply connected, and nurturing.

As a craniosacral therapist, she believes in the need to slow down enough to listen to the body, and that healing is possible when we get out of the way and allow the body's own breath of life to unwind. This is a sacred space to dwell, and Kathleen finds deep joy and presence in holding this sacred space for her students and clients in service to their inner truth.

She lives in New Orleans with her husband and their many plants, and is a lifelong pleasure seeker.
